Dairy products(Grandmaster) have been an important part of our diet for thousands of years. Milk and other dairy foods are loaded with several nutrients, vitamins and minerals. Regular consumption of these food products offers numerous health benefits, including maintaining strong bones and a healthy body.  The most well-known dairy products are milk, cheese, yoghurt, ice creams, paneer, butter and cream. Such food items in the dairy group offer nutrients like calcium, potassium, phosphorus, protein, vitamin A, vitamin D, vitamin B12, riboflavin, zinc, choline, magnesium, selenium, pantothenic acid and niacin.  Health benefits of dairy products: Dairy products offer a unique pack of nutritional components that are vital for maintaining a healthy body. Intake of dairy products in adequate amounts can reduce the risk of unhealthy conditions such as heart and colon diseases. Muscle health Milk protein contributes to building lean muscle mass. Milk consists of whey and casein proteins that are utilized in health supplements (sold for the growth and maintenance of muscles). The amino acid content present in these proteins contributes to muscle growth and muscle repair, especially after a workout. Casein is slow to digest protein that helps in muscle breakdown. Whey is a fast-acting and quick-absorbing protein that […] read more