GJR Cabs

GJR Cabs is one of the leading Out Station Booking in Madurai .We give the best rides for low prices with best quality. We are Best cab booking service in Madurai and we has several years of experienced drivers & all places are known in certain area.


Even if you plan on renting a car while you are in Madurai, it’s still a good idea to have local taxis readily available just in case you need one at any point during your visit. Madurai is one of the most popular tourist destinations in Tamil Nadu and has numerous attractions to offer. From ancient temples, palaces, churches and fortifications to bustling marketplaces, restaurants and hotels, there is so much to see and do in the city. If you are planning a vacation to the city, here are some things you should know about Out Station Booking in Madurai.

Moreover, these services are available at competitive rates to help you save some money on your outstation trip. So what are you waiting for? Let’s check out where you can book an Best Taxi service madurai right away!


Contact Us 

Address: Ground Floor, Plot No. 2/479,
Krishna Nagar, 2nd St,
Kovil Pappakudi, Tamil Nadu – 625018


Phone: +91 7708208685


Mail: [email protected]


Website: www.gjrcabs.com



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