Bouncers have become a trend because babies could be left in the bouncer while parents had some time for other activities like cooking or personal care time. However, baby should never be left unattended in a baby bouncer chair or swing chair no matter the age. This is because there has been recorded fatalities caused by baby bouncers and swings. DO NOT leave your baby in a baby rocker or bouncer unattended especially once they are able to rollover.
Baby bouncers are good to use for babies from 3 months to 18 months. Certain types of bouncers are suitable for babies of various ages. Baby bouncer chairs are most appropriate for babies between the ages of 3 and 6 months. Newborns can enjoy them for short periods but are still too young for most of the benefits and may not be big enough to be safely secured in the seat. Swing bouncers are for babies from 6 to 18 months. They include more features, and you can have a fun play time with bub by gently rocking the swing.
Remember to check the caution instructions of the product and other information of a baby bouncer before you use it for your bub. The set-up guide should be applied strictly including the amount of weight the bouncer can bear, the suitable age bracket for the bouncer, and how to safely fasten the baby.
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